Weaving Women In

by Patricia Nugent
Reprinted in part from an article in Ms. Magazine (August 26, 2015)

The interview was supposed to be about my writing practice. But it quickly took a turn to be about social justice.

Because most of my writing is about social justice in one way or another. Not necessarily intentionally; it just ends up that way because I write true stories about real people, often self-confessional. The denial of, or quest for, social justice is more often than not part of all of our stories. Especially if you’re a woman and/or a minority.

The interviewer was very good, enlightened even. An English lit and political science major, Greg seemed to understand that “the pen is mightier than the sword,” so he perceptively led me to the broader issue that underlies most of my creative nonfiction pieces.

An upcoming performance of my play about the early suffragists, The Stone that Started the Ripple, prompted questions about women’s history. Greg cut right to the chase: “Do you think we should just forget about these separate commemorations for women, like Women’s History Month?”

Do I? You bet! I’ve been waiting 35 years to answer that question. Such set-asides are an antiquated way of saying, “Oh, yeah. Women have done some pretty neat stuff too. We’ll showcase them for one month. The other 11 months are about the rest of us guys.” Separate designations and commemorations simply put women on a pedestal for short periods of time only to be viciously torn down again.

I feel the same way about Black History Month.

And then there’s Women’s Equality Day. In 1971, Bella Abzug worked with her colleagues in Congress to have August 26, the day the passage of the 19th amendment is commemorated, declared as such. Here’s the text of the joint resolution, which is reissued each year by the sitting president:

WHEREAS, the women of the United States have been treated as second-class citizens and have not been entitled the full rights and privileges, public or private, legal or institutional, which are available to male citizens of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the women of the United States have united to assure that these rights and privileges are available to all citizens equally regardless of sex; and

WHEREAS, the women of the United States have designated August 26, the anniversary date of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, as symbol of the continued fight for equal rights: and

WHEREAS, the women of United States are to be commended and supported in their organizations and activities.

Although well-intended at the time, it now seems insulting, hypocritical and downright ridiculous that this proclamation needs to be reissued every year because women are still treated as second-class citizens. As a nation, why don’t we just fix that? Why is “the continued fight” necessary? And the part about women uniting to assure that such rights and privileges are available? When Congress is 80 percent male, it can’t just be up to the women. (Some women aren’t even on board, believing the Adam’s rib fable and other Biblically paternalistic rhetoric.) And trying to defund Planned Parenthood certainly doesn’t support our “organizations and activities,” as the neverending resolution decrees.

Without intention, Greg had started my blood boiling. Not at him, but at the conditions under which women continue to labor. I started talking faster and faster, waving my arms around. Luckily, there was no camera to zoom in on my increasingly red face.

Social justice is the very basis of an egalitarian society. It’s what we don’t have in our American culture. And never have. Since proposed in 1923, we’ve been unable to get the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed, which simply says, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” What kind of civilized nation would have a problem with that?

The suffragists barely make a cameo appearance in our history books. There’s no official parade to commemorate women gaining the right to vote after 150 years, 75 of which involved active political struggle. No one knows Sojourner Truth from Harriet Tubman. There are no birthdays of famous women celebrated as national holidays. And we get one lousy month to showcase our contributions.

It’s long past time to weave accomplished women and gender-inclusive legislation into the fabric of American culture. Abolish Women’s History Month and instead re-write our history books to give women their rightful place. Abolish Women’s Equality Day and instead pass the ERA to make women truly equal under the law. As Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote, “The battle is not wholly fought until women stand equal in the church, the world of work, and have an equal code of morals for both sexes.”

The battle clearly is not yet wholly fought.

Greg then asked me for suggestions as to what might help move women’s equality along. I sat silently as his recording device whirred; I felt stumped and discouraged. I then hesitantly said that all those who believe that social justice has not been achieved need to speak up. Speak up no matter who or what we’re up against. If an epithet or joke offends, or a sexist term is used, call it out despite those who wrongly espouse that political correctness is restrictive. Speak up when others are profiled, stereotyped or summarily dismissed based on their appearance. Continue to insist on the sovereign right to have dominion over one’s own body. Demand that female candidates of any political stripe be spared sexist commentary. Boycott companies whose employment practices are discriminatory.

In my writing group, a young Iraq war veteran referenced a book he read about “Jack Nicholson and all the chicks he slept with.” What troubled me the most was that the younger women in the group didn’t seem offended or outraged; the expressions on their faces didn’t change. I decided to tackle it, telling him I found the term chicks offensive. He immediately apologized. Responding to a contrite follow-up email he sent, I felt as antiquated as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, trying to motivate yet another generation when she knew her time was running out:

I’m of the generation that got bloodied fighting for women to have equal status in our society (and we’re not there yet, BTW). It’s an ongoing worry for us that those who come after don’t know what it was like before feminism took hold, so they aren’t as strident or vigilant about protecting women’s rights. Since ‘silence is the voice of complicity,’ I long ago committed to speaking up, especially modeling for younger women who may be present. I’m curious as to whether the term ‘chicks’ has caught on again in your generation as an acceptable way to refer to women…it’s been a LONG time since I’ve heard it used, so I was startled.

He responded that there’s much sexism in the military but more and more women are finding their voice to file complaints and insist on different treatment. I was glad I opened up the dialogue with him.

The show will go on—my play will be performed on Women’s Equality Day. The ghosts of the suffragists will appear on stage, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton will remind the audience that there’s still much work to do, saying, “We are only the stone that started the ripple; but you are the ripple that is spreading and will eventually cover the whole pond.” The crowd will clap and cheer and give a standing ovation.

Brava! Brava!

But until great women become part of the whole American story, woven into the very fabric of our nation’s laws and history, our brave foremothers will always stand alone, on the edge of the stage, on the edge of acknowledgement, targets for those who think women are still less than. Like ducks in a shooting gallery waiting to be struck down. Like the chicks some still consider us.

Greg prudently edited and posted the interview. And bought a ticket to my play.

Postscript: Please turn your ballot over in the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, and vote Yes! for the Equal Rights Amendment to the New York State Constitution. Our current state constitution lacks protection against discrimination based on sex, age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity and pregnancy. It only offers protection against racial and religious discrimination. New York State has human rights laws that protect against discrimination, but they can easily be repealed. Constitutional amendments, however, provide greater lasting protection.

It’s in our hands to change that. The NY state legislature has passed the NY ERA and now this November it’s on the ballot for voter approval.

The Times Union Agrees with Us - SEDC

The Times Union Agrees with Us - SEDC Needs to be Transparent

A recently published Times Union Editorial (Jan 16, 2024) (“SEDC, try transparency”) states, “public money means public accountability. Why doesn’t the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation seem to get that?” This need for transparency is the same point that LWV Saratoga County made in its December 2023 statement sent by letter to the editor of the Times Union - see below.

December 2023 Statement of the League of Women Voters of Saratoga County:
The public wins when SEDC is transparent.

The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County is pleased that the Appellate Division of the State’s Supreme Court Third Judicial Department ruled that the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) must comply with the Public Authorities Accountability Act.  This is a win for the public, since the Act requires the SEDC to publicly disclose its finances – to actually be transparent.
The League position holds that any economic development entity created and or funded by the County should be subject to the direction of the County Board of Supervisors and, in order to promote accountability and transparency, should comply with complete and accurate reporting and open meeting requirements. This position, adopted by consensus following a League study, was established in 2007 and revised in 2013, 2016, and 2023 as the entities changed over time. This position also urges that any such entity should be required to provide annual public reports on its accomplishments against the contract deliverables.
When entities like the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation are transparent the public wins.

The Fight Against the Impacts of Climate Change

by Joanna Lasher, LWVSC Environment Chair Jan 17, 2024

What is happening to the World’s Climate?  In the United States? New York? The Capital Region? Daily there are pictures on the News. Scary Weather reports. New reports from scientists saying changes such as melting glaciers, higher average temperatures, animal species going extinct, fires burning millions of acres, and mega storms happening at an ever increasing rate and sooner than previously predicted!

Many of these effects are far away and seem to be totally beyond our control. There seems to be no way for us to have an impact. However, the weird weather patterns, heavy rains and flooding are becoming much more a part of our lives locally. Those  of you who have been attending League of Women Voters of Saratoga County Meet-ups the last few years  are probably aware that we have had several programs addressing Climate Change issues in New York State. You may know that New York adopted the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act,(a premier model program plan for the country) in 2019. Between 2020 and 2022, Committees of the Climate Action Council met for many hours to develop the Climate Scoping Plan which was introduced in January 2023,  The goal of this act was to develop a timeline to replace fossil fuels/ dirty energy and polluted air and water with clean energy and and a cleaner environment and do it while developing new good jobs and using 40% of the funds to improve disadvantaged communities. By 2030, 70% of electricity is to be produced from renewable resources. By 2040, the goal is to have zero per cent emissions of green house gases.  By 2050 the goal is to have NY  be carbon neutral as compared to 1990 levels.

Since the Scoping Plan has been released, many members of the legislature and Governor Hochul have been working hard to produce legislation to meet and fund these goals. A lot of progress has been made, but the struggle is ongoing. Fossil fuel companies, that have been traditionally supported by public funding and favorable regulations while making billions of dollars are fighting back. They have an army of lobbyists putting forth a variety of false solutions that appear to bridge the gap, but only produce more polluting emissions and more delays which we can no longer afford. Old regulations allow them to ask for more money to build infrastructure paid for by taxpayers that will lock us into fossil fuels for decades to come.

What can we do?

First we can keep ourselves informed through a variety of trusted sources.

Second, we can support groups such as the Climate Action Council that put in 100s of hours developing a plan and a timeline to make progress at the state level and then advocate alone or in partnership with groups who are working to develop legislation to further projects, change regulations and provide funding to meet these goals.

The League of Women Voters New York State does pick out legislation for which they advocate and encourage local leagues to advocate. That includes bills recommended by experts in the environmental area as well as bills on other types of issues.

For the purpose of education, we are sponsoring a speaker for the April 18 League Monthly Forum who will talk to us about progress the state is making in pursuit of Scoping Plan goals: Blair Horner, Executive Director of New York Public Interest Research Group. (See Events Calendar).

Saratoga Springs Public Safety Candidates

Saratoga Springs Public Safety Candidates Discuss Issues of Concern to Voters

Timothy Coll, Kristen M. Dart, and James A. Montagnino

The League of Women Voters held a virtual Candidate Forum on October 10, 2023 featuring candidates for the office of Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Saratoga Springs. All three candidates participated, including Timothy Coll, Kristen M. Dart, and James A. Montagnino. Candidates answered questions about conflicts among members of City Council, policing in the City, police response to protests, downtown safety issues near bars, regulation of short-term rentals, pedestrian and bike safety/complete streets, and support of crime victims.

A full recording of the event is available for viewing on the LWVSC YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDZfukr9Or0.

Check out press coverage of this event by the local media:

Women’s Equality Day is Nothing to Celebrate

By Patricia Nugent
Published in the Daily Gazette August 25, 2023

In 1972, President Nixon designated August 26 as Women’s Equality Day in commemoration of the 1920 adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment granting American women the right to vote. (Well, to be clear, some women in some states. Others had to wait decades longer.)

The token gesture of “celebrating” this day has continued each year with no political will to bring women’s rights into alignment with the rights of men.

It’s getting harder and harder to celebrate as we witness women’s rights being stripped away state-by-state throughout our nation.

State legislators can do that because women are afforded no legal protection and no rights under the U.S. Constitution.

In fact, they have no rights that cannot be reversed legislatively.

This has been true since the inception of our nation, when Abigail Adams begged her husband, John Adams, to “Remember the ladies.” He ignored her, as do many legislators today, to their own political peril.

In 1923, recognizing that voting itself was not enough to guarantee women equal footing in our nation, Alice Paul proposed a 24-word amendment to the Constitution that simply reads: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”

Parse that out: Equality of rights shall not be denied on account of sex!

Despite repeated attempts at passage for more than a century, it has yet to become law, which means that it is legal in the United States to discriminate against women.

Late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia can be viewed on YouTube proudly declaring this to be true.

The current court clearly holds the same position, as evidenced by rulings that further restrict women’s rights.

Lack of pay equity and bodily autonomy are just two of the social injustices that continue to hold women hostage.

The League of Women Voters’ mission to ensure a participatory democracy has continued for more than 100 years.

Although founded by the suffragists, we can no longer celebrate women getting the right to vote, especially since head-of-household-only voting legislation was proposed at a 2020 presidential convention.

Women deserve and demand equal rights as citizens of the United States.

The League urges Congress to pass Alice Paul’s ERA Amendment now and urges voters in New York state to pass the state equivalent in November 2024.

Until then, there is nothing to celebrate today.

Patricia Nugent is chair of the Women’s Rights Awareness Campaign for the League of Women Voters of Saratoga County. The column was submitted on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga and Schenectady counties.