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Meetup: Program Planning for LWVNY Convention in June

Virtual event - Online on Zoom

“Program” is the League terminology we use for positions, so this is the time to determine which state positions we want to keep, delete, or update/revise. You can review our LWVNY program on our web site under About – Positions on Issues - scroll down to “Current League Positions” and click on State: LWV New York State Impact on Issues 2022.

Starting on page 5 there is a Summary of our Public Policy Positions – often referred to as the Positions in Brief. This is a good place to start and then if you want more details, there is a table of contents to find the full position with many details and history.

If there are new positions we would like to consider, this is the time to make suggestions for new studies which may lead to having a new position. We can also consider if we want to concur with existing positions of other Leagues. Concurrence means that we agree with the position another League has already reached after considering the study they conducted on the issue. We don’t have to undertake the study ourselves; we agree with their conclusions and concur.

The involvement of Local Leagues and members in the program planning process is what makes us a grassroots organization. We encourage all League members to participate in this Program Planning Meetup!

Online on Zoom. Please register in advance for this virtual meeting at this link: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting.

Earlier Event: January 13
Dr. King Celebration Weekend